Using the Reverse Hyper

This article will summarize my clinical and personal experiences using the reverse hyper as it pertains to improving function of the lower body and the spine, especially strengthening and improving mobility of the lower back. Many people may not actually know what the reverse hyper is nor have they seen one, let alone tried it. If you haven’t, I recommend that you seek one out and try it out, because there’s really nothing out there that I’ve seen in over 15 years of high level training and work as a therapist that I’ve been able to compare it with.

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Low Back Pain

It seems a lot of the people I see with low back pain and chronic low back pathologies usually show up once they’re stumped, having already tried a lot of other things. I typically work alongside colleagues and other providers on these cases and I’m proud to say we have a system where we can get many of these chronic cases better, even after many other attempts have failed. Today I’d like to share my general philosophy in regards to this major issue.

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